The question, “If the PSA level is higher than 2ng/ml, does it mean that a man has prostate cancer?!” is one of the frequently asked questions for oncourologists, and the answer is – no, it does not! Because, not only prostate cancer, but also inflammation of the prostate and also benign enlargement of the prostate causes an increase in PSA.
So, what should you do if your PSA level is elevated and above 2ng/ml?!
Prostate cancer screening does not mean only a blood test for prostate-specific antigen: men whose PSA level is elevated should apply for prostate cancer screening, which is carried out in the conditions of the latest advances in medicine, with the inclusion of the most modern and most accurate technologies. In particular:
What is prostate cancer screening with ultra-modern technologies and the latest Western recommendations?!
The first necessary study is a PSA test (new norm of prostate-specific antigen – 2ng/ml), however, since you have already conducted the mentioned study and the answer is known, the next stages of screening are:
The second and necessary research – micro-ultrasound of the prostate. 300% improved prostate research.
If necessary – targeted biopsy of the prostate under micro-ultrasound control
If the patient wishes – fusion biopsy of the prostate with a combination of magnetic resonance and micro-ultrasound!
MMT Hospital is the only clinic in the region (Georgia, Turkey, Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan) where modern prostate cancer screening is carried out using micro-ultrasound!
- Address: Tbilisi, #5, 9th floor, Ljubljana
- Hotline: +995 595 23 30 23