Marina Chelidze

Marina Chelidze | Photo

Laboratory doctor

Tel.: (0322) 23 40 23




  • Tbilisi State Medical University, specialty – biologist 1974-1981.
  • Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics – Qualification Diploma 1983
  • 1998 – Hematology, determination of general clinical and cytological research methods – diploma No. 1063
  • 2002.04.15 – State certificate, permitted specialty: laboratory medicine
  • Modern design of laboratory diagnostics of diseases of the urogenital tract (certificate) 2006
  • Modern methods of laboratory diagnosis of malaria (Sertufukat) 2007


  • From 2012 to the present – EM-EM-TE Hospital – Doctor of Laboratories
  • 2000-2012 – GMAPO Clinic – laboratory assistant
  • 1994-2000 – Clinic of the Tbilisi Medical Academy – laboratory assistant
  • 1986-1994 – Medical and prophylactic dispensary, head of the laboratory, laboratory assistant.
  • 1981-1986 – 19th children’s polyclinic, head of the laboratory, laboratory assistant.

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