Urinary incontinence – statistics prove that the so-called childhood problem – urinary incontinence – occurs in 40% of women aged 45 to 60 years.
Back in 1928, the famous gynecologist Howard Kelly noted: “There is no more depressing suffering for a woman than urinary incontinence.” What is 50 years? A woman has a period of prosperity. And this childish problem worries her with the approach of old age!
Urinary incontinence has a really distressing effect on women. This causes depression and neurosis. Because of this problem, many avoid being in society.
Leakage of urine, a feeling of dampness immediately spoils a person’s mood. For involuntary excretion of urine, even the slightest exertion is enough: laughter, coughing, lifting weights, rough movements, sometimes even walking.
Thus, the problem is very serious, however, the problem can be easily solved with the help of specialists.
At this time, medical specialists identify the root cause of the problem that contributes to the disease.
Urinary incontinence is usually caused by relaxation of the sphincter, a violation of its structure. This, in turn, is the result of the descent or prolapse of the genitals.
This happens most often with women who have given birth many times or the birth was difficult.
(Implies the birth of a large fetus, contractions, etc.).
The omission of the genital organs also threatens those women whose work requires great physical effort, who are involved in heavy sports.
Urinary incontinence often occurs during menopause. The disease can appear with a decrease in the amount of estrogens and other sex hormones in the body. With the weakening of the muscles of the pelvic floor and perineum, and not just the genitals, the bladder sometimes also descends. In this case, the sphincter can no longer hold back the leaked urine. The development of pathology is sometimes accompanied by inflammatory processes of the urinary tract.
All this can be avoided with timely prevention. With the help of special exercises aimed at strengthening the abdominals, the muscles of the base of the pelvis and back. Exercises should be performed systematically.
If there is a problem, you need to visit a doctor. Appropriate treatment is prescribed only on the basis of special gynecological and urological examinations.
MMT Hospital offers the treatment of urinary incontinence with methods in accordance with world medical standards