Robotic surgery is rapidly becoming one of the most advanced and effective methods of surgical intervention.
This technology involves the surgeon controlling a special robotic system, which ensures high precision of the operation and minimal invasiveness.
In this article, we discuss why robotic surgery is becoming an integral part of modern surgical treatment and how it can improve the health and comfort of patients.
What is robotic surgery?
Robotic surgery is a procedure in which the surgeon controls special robotic instruments during surgery.
The most common system in this area is the da Vinci robotic system (USA) and Tumai (China), which has high precision and versatile functions.
The surgeon can perform more precise and controlled movements, which contributes to the effectiveness of the operation and the patient’s recovery.
Advantages of robotic surgery?
1. High precision – robotic systems allow the surgeon to work with the highest precision. This is especially important in complex operations where minimal clearance is critical.
2. Minimally invasive – Open surgeries often require larger incisions, which increases pain and reduces healing time. Robotic surgery, on the other hand, allows for smaller incisions, reducing patient pain and the risk of infection.
3. Faster recovery – Smaller incisions mean patients need less time in the hospital and can quickly return to their normal routine.
4. Less blood loss – Robotic surgery involves less blood loss, which reduces the risk of anemia and other complications – The absence of pain allows for a quick post-operative recovery.
5. Protection against human error – for example, a simulator for the surgeon’s hands (tremor)
How does the procedure work?
During a robotic operation, the surgeon sits at a special control console and looks at the operating area on a high-definition 3D screen. The robot imitates every movement of the surgeon with an accuracy unachievable by human hands.
This technology is especially useful for complex operations where precision is critical, such as urological surgeries.
Benefits of robotic surgery for the patient
• Short hospital stay – patients who have undergone robotic surgery can often go home in 2-3 days.
• Fast rehabilitation – patients quickly return to daily activities, which contributes to an improved quality of life.
• Aesthetic benefits – scars are less noticeable due to small incisions, which is also important from an aesthetic point of view.
Robotic surgery is one of the most important technological advances in modern medicine. Its precision, safety and patient-friendly results prove that this method is an important part of the future of surgery. The use of robotic systems allows doctors to perform operations at a higher level, which increases the chances of success and reduces the risk of complications. This technology is a part of medicine that is constantly evolving and for many patients is an important step towards a speedy recovery and improved quality of life.
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